A great review of 13 by Thom Dibdin

Bursting with exuberance, big beats and hormonally-enhanced doses of angst, the Forth Children’s Theatre production of 13 The Musical, captures that particularly vicious age when you officially become a teenager.

Alex Bathe stars as Jewish New Yorker Evan Goldman, a happy enough lad despite his parents’ divorce. At least the major event on his horizon, his Bar Mitzvah, will be a success thanks to all his pals.

Except that his mum decides to take them off to Indiana – leaving Evan with only a few weeks to sort out the party in the lamest small town in the vast expanse of lame American small towns. At least he gets on with Patrice, the girl next door, so he’ll have a toehold when the new school term starts. (For the rest of the review read Thom’s excellent blog here.)

We’re up and running and really rock and rolling.

13 features a great, great band. I have to say that before anything else.

One of our best ever, and this is appropriate because tonight was a tribute night to Fiona Pirrie, one of our (non rock) stalwarts who so tragically passed away last year just after The Chess Game.

She’d have loved it.

We also raised nearly £200 for Maggies Centre on her behalf which, I’m sure, will make her husband Bill very happy.

But tonight was about our cast.

What a magnificent, epic performance.

The comments on leaving were ridiculously positive.

We have a great show, a memorable one, on our hands guys.

Make the most of it.

Sell it to whoever you know because everyone’s going to love this.



The final rehearsal at Bangholm

It was a long shift yesterday from 12 till 6.30 but boy do we have a show.  In every department, dialogue, movement and singing it’s great.  Really funny throughout with a cracking script.  Tickets are going well so far with nearly 600 sold.  If you want them you can call the ticket hotline on 07794 144 372.  Adults £11.  Concessions £9.  Family ticket of 4 (max 2 adults) for only £30 and we have a cut price matinee where all tickets are £8 on Saturday 7th at 2.30.