Godspell Induction day

godspell cast

At each show we meet the cast’s parents and guardians and yesterday was the day for us to “induce” Godspell.  A good showing it has to be said with some really enthusiastic parents.  They were rewarded by seeing performances of “Day by Day” and “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”

I sat beside my sister Jane as the cast THUNDERED these numbers out in stunning harmony and choreographed quite wonderfully by Katie.

I have never had such a reaction to an early rehearsal performance as yesterday.  The show will be presented on a set configured similarly to Ragtime and FCT aficionados will recall the impact that set up had, with every actor there to be seen, nowhere to hide.

I was actually shaking at the end of these two numbers;so impactful, so joyously was the show presented.  And that’s exactly the word Ronan uses in his Fringe description of the show.

Folks you are in for one big treat.

We also had an impromptu photocall with cast and directing team (alas poor Grace Urquhart was the only one missing).

Ronan is directing with Katie on the dances (wow man).  Our MD’s are new and there’s two of them and, boy, do Dan and Claire pack a punch.



Auditions for Godspell. Festival Fringe 2013

FCT is delighted to announce that its festival production for 2013 is a UK premiere of the recently updated version of the 1971 hit musical Godspell, by Steven Schwartz (Wicked).

Auditions will take palace on Sunday 7th April at Trinity Academicals RFC in Craighall Gardens, Edinburgh.  From 10am to 4 or 5pm.

All are welcome to attend.  Rehearsals will be every Friday (6.30- -9.30) and Sunday afternoons (approx 12 – 5 pm).

Performances will run 2 – 10 August.

For more information contact markgorman@btopenworld.com