Our Easter Show 2012. Auditions this Sunday. December 11th.

Next Year FCT will be staging 13 The Musical at The Pleasance Theatre in Edinburgh.

It’s been a smash hit on Broadway and is full of fantastic numbers like these ones.

This is the title track

And a few more…

The production team will be led by Ronan Radin, MD’d by Andrew McDivvit and Choreographed by Katie Renton; all three making their production debuts for FCT but all three ex cast members.  A lot of fun is guaranteed.


We’re all very excited about the auditions on Sunday.

Please be there, at Bangholm, prompt at 10am as we want to crack into the fun workshops we have planned!

If people have problems making the full day then please do get in touch as there may be a way to get round it!

We’d really appreciate it if you could all let your friends know about the auditions as it would be great to have as many people as possible. Please share this link on facebook (we’ll be checking to see who has actually done it).


If you have any questions then please get in touch with our director at ronanradin@hotmail.com

Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

The production team x

Joyce Campbell, a great supporter of FCT, passed away on 17th March 2011.

Joyce Campbell, whom many of you will know, worked with Jean Gorman for over a decade as the original costume wifies of FCT.

She was also one of the first Chair Person’s of our wonderful organisation and, for that alone, we owe her a great deal.

Sadly she passed away after several years of debilitating cancer on Thursday night.

Joyce was an all round wonderful woman.

On a personal note I will always remember Joyce’s beaming smile, the buzz of the sewing machine in our “Green Room” and her unstinting attendance at Gorman family parties with her equally wonderful husband Sinclair.  My other big memory of her was her and Sinclair’s annual attendance at my mother’s March Talbot (now St Columbas Hospice) fundraiser.  She was sadly missed this year and will be in years to come.

From all of us at FCT.

Thank you Joyce.

(PS.  If any of you have a photo of Joyce could you send it to me at markgorman@btopenworld.com please so that I can put it up as part of this post)